These exercise were devised by Physio Mr Lim Hun Tech based at Raffles Hospital. Mr Lim has prior experience / education in Perth, Australia.
Equipment: Ideally, swimmers should have a variety of bands and tubing, which will allow for individualised resistance with the ability to increase load, as strength gains are made.
1) Wax On, Wax Off
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Light Theraband
Reps: Until fatigued / failure
Sets: 1
2) Internal Rotation in Neutral Position
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
3) External Rotation in Neutral Position
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
4) Retraction + Straight Arm
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
5) 45 Degree External Rotation and Abduction
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
6) Saturday Night Fever
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
7) 120 Degree Standing Shoulder Pulse
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3 on each arm
Tip: Keep the hand high. Don't drop the hand and close off the armpit as fatigue sets in. Keep the armpit at 120 degrees.
8) Retraction, Elevation, Extension
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Start with a thin Band or Tubing then increase reps over time. When 6 x 20 reps is easily achieved increase the thickness of the band / tubing
Reps: Progression:
- 3 x 6 reps alternating sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 10 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 14 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 17 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try
- 3 x 20 reps alt. sides until too easy, then try a thinking band returning to 3 x 6 reps
Sets: 3
Tip: The anchor point is a little low in this example. Ideally have the anchor point about chest height. Keep the shoulders down and the shoulders square with elbows at 90 degrees.
9) 1 kg DB 90 Catch
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Required
Equipment: 1 kg Dumbbell used in demo. Begin with about 0.5 kg. If you don't have DBs use your imagination and utilise something safe found at home.
Reps: up to 1 Minute. If 1 minute is too easy increase the weight slightly
Sets: 3 on each arm
Tip: Keep the elbows at 90 degrees and the Dumbbell around ear level. Open the hand as much as possible almost dropping the weight. Challenge yourself without smashing Mum's tiles.
10) Shoulder Tap
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef, Marlins
Adult Supervision: Recommended for Marlins and Reef
Reps: up to 1 Minute.
Sets: 3
11) Up, Up, Down, Down
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef, Marlins
Adult Supervision: Recommended for Marlins
Reps: up to 1 Minute.
Sets: 3
12) DB Across Mat
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers, Hammers, Reef
Adult Supervision: Recommended
Equipment: Light Dumbbell. 8 kg Dumbbell used in demo.
Reps: up to 24
Sets: 3 sets
13) DB Flies
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites, Tigers
Adult Supervision: Required
Equipment: Light Dumbbell. 2 kg Dumbbell used in demo.
Reps: up to 12
Sets: 3 sets
14) Holding DB at an Angle with Eyes Closed
Suitability: Makos, Great Whites
Adult Supervision: Required
Equipment: Light Dumbbell. 8 kg Dumbbell used in demo.
Reps: up 1 minute
Sets: 3 sets on each arm