Welcome to the Sharks Netball Club 2022

The Sharks Netball Club comprises of our young, keen netball players from AIS who wish to further their ball skills, court sense and who most importantly love their netball! We are a strong, connected community at Sharks and are always open to newcomers to the sport and so appreciate those who keep coming back for MORE!

The Club is now in its 6th year and continues to grow. The Club is led by the Centaurs Netball Club. The Club will be run by the Head Coach together with the top, senior players in the First 19U team. Over time, it has been wonderful to see the grass roots program grow with the help and support of these senior players. From the feedback we have received the younger players girls absolutely love having the senior girls coach and help them develop their skills.

We design a semester based bespoke program, of core netball skills, including loads of ball work, correct landing techniques as well as pivoting, shooting, defensive arms, fast feet and agility specific drills and group connections. The sessions are carefully planned to ensure they are fun and interesting with a strong focus on improving skills and developing great on-court awareness and practice.

We are beyond excited by the commitment from you all to the Club so far and thank you for your continued support.

*This program is designed for AIS students from Years 1 to 5. Previous netball experience is not necessary, all are welcome to enjoy and learn. 

Drop off can be at Gate 1, 2 or 3, and pick up is at Gate 2. 

Please contact sharkssports@ais.com.sg if you have any queries.